corazones grandes cayendo en tu blog

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008


Mind's Eye (series)

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The Mind's Eye series consists of several art films rendered using computer-generated imagery of varying levels of sophistication. The series began in 1990. It was produced by Steven Churchill of Odyssey Productions & Miramar Productions. The series was released on VHS (by BMG) and LaserDisc (by Image Entertainment) and later re-released on DVD (by Simitar Entertainment).

[edit] Overview

The typical entry in the Mind's Eye series is a short movie, usually 50 to 60 minutes long, with an electronic music soundtrack over a series of music video-like sequences. The original movie, simply titled The Mind's Eye, consisted of a less rigid structure of many semi-related sequences. The general style is usually a light, cartoony feel owing to its ease of rendering.

Viewers are mixed over whether they prefer the visual or musical side of each movie, for at least one is usually seen as flawed. Some viewers will mute the video and play their own music, searching for synchronicity, while others will enjoy it as a pure audio experience. The music has more distinguished names behind it, with contributors including James Reynolds, Thomas Dolby, Jan Hammer and Kerry Livgren, the founder and guitarist for Kansas.

[edit] Films

The Mind's Eye (1990) was the first effort, and served as a very useful demonstration of computer animation when the art was still in its relative infancy. It is composed of a sequence of the segments that ambitiously chronicles the formation of Earth ("Creation"), the rise of human civilizations ("Civilization Rising"), the technological advances of humanity from the advent of agriculture to the future exploration of the cosmos. The video speculatively concludes with a segment of what might be the next sentient species to arise on Earth. The soundtrack was composed by James Reynolds[citation needed].

Beyond the Mind's Eye (1992) featured the efforts of Jan Hammer and included the first vocal tracks, such as Too Far and Seeds of Life, a sequence themed around planet-colonizing seeds featuring the noted Panspermia by computer graphics artist Karl Sims. The DVD version included both the vocal version of Seeds of Life (sung by Chris Thompson) that blended the animation segment and footage of Hammer and his band performing, with an instrumental version of the same track. The program also heavily edited in the CGI sequences of The Lawnmower Man as well. The DVD contains 11 tracks.

The Gate to the Mind's Eye (1994) continued the trend of vocal tracks, along with music by Thomas Dolby. Over half of its 9 tracks include vocals: Armageddon, a sequence depicting massive devastation; Neo, an astronomy-themed song; Valley of the Mind's Eye, a song about the progress of human technology; Nuvogue, its first jazz track; and Quantum Mechanic with guest vocalist Dr. Fiorella Terenzi.

Odyssey Into The Mind's Eye (1996) features a soundtrack by Kerry Livgren and two more vocal tracks, One Dark World (sung by Darren Rogers) and Aspen Moon (sung by Livgren's nephew Jacob).

Two more, Luminous Visions and Ancient Alien were released in 1998, taking the series in a drastic turn. Then the Computer Animation series began.

The series is no longer labeled as part of the Mind's Eye, but is marked "from the creators of 'The Mind's Eye'".

Several excerpts from The Mind's Eye were seen in the 1992 film The Lawnmower Man, which itself was featured in Beyond the Mind's Eye. The Mind's Eye and Beyond the Mind's Eye were both integral components in YTV's Short Circutz run.

[edit] External links

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008

vuelve el Dms y Dmns de preadolescentes

Después de una larga ausencia, volevemos y con que fuerza, diría que con la misma que hay que llevar a la jornada o al partido inaugural de la escuelita.
En fin, un placer tenerlos nuevamente, espero sus críticas y comentarios, disfrutenlos.

-Comer Sushi
-saber lo que es el Azuki
-la jornada de inicio
-el sketch
-empezar preadolescentes!!!!
-bañarse en el mar
-la frase: como miércoles a mitad de semana
-usar corbata (de hombre, no de mozo)
-saber hacer Sushi
-tener libreta para manejar helicópteros
-cultivar mango en tu casa de playa y comerlos con bob dylan en un hoyo funkie sudafricano
-la sección Como anillo al dedo, que ahora pasa la música qude todos votamos
-los educadores nuevos........
-tener un Ombú bonsai

-no saber hacerse el nudo de la corbata
-no saber lo que es Sushi
-tener un enemigo que domine por lo menos 3 artes marciales
-no haber ido a ver a Bob Dylan, que toque se perdieron
-el aguanieve
-que tu heladera o freezer deba ser descongelado regularmente
-darle el mate a un amigo para que te lo devuelva preparado
-llegar tarde a una reunión de educadores por escribir esto
-no ir vestido formal a un cumple en que la invitación claramente te pide que lo hagas, mucho peor, si vas después de correr y sin bañarte
-martillarse un dedo
-que el estante que acabás de colocar caiga sobre tu pie derecho
-que tu nombre no tenga vocales
-cabecear una piedra en un campamento de invierno
-que madonna quedara tan cerca de la victoria
-no conocer a los jugadores de Badmington que van a jugar estas Olimpíadas

martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

La máquina entrena para la despedida

Mañana el team yuyushashapera se reunirá para continuar con una exitosísima pretemporada. Se espera que el nivel de esta maquina de goles sea el mas alto visto en partidos finales desde la actuación de los Garuchingos en el 92. Enhorabuena para los muchachos!
Por cierto, la cita es en la Parroquia a las 1600, llevar balones y especias para los bizcochos.
Yu-yu-sha-shapera Chuacusquis! Yu-yu-sha-shapera Chuacusquis! Yu-yu-sha-shapera Chuacusquis!
P.D.: Ahí va la foto prometida de la bandera...

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

Los profesionales de Pera (II)

Debido al éxito de la primera fotograsfía, que nos reportó un número de 65 visitas hasta el momento, aprovecho la volada para seguir con esta farsa.
Espero: 1- que mis educandos sigan entrenando.
2- que Mateo tenga zona franca en camp de verano e invierno
3- que pare de llover antes de fin de año
4- que el primo no vaya mas vestido de esa forma a un cumple de 15
5- que mis posts mejoren en breves, aunque el material gráfico sea excelente

P.D.: estas dos fotos son para las mujeres...en breves fotos para los varones

Los profesionales de Prea (I)

Ésta es solo la punta del iceberg, pero algo tienen que ver.
Es la foto que el pueblo reclamaba...por respeto a los fotografiados sus rostros fueron omitidos.
Espero que alguien me pueda dar los nombres y generar una nueva polémica, porque al hacha se le acabó el jugo...

P.D.: mas Iceberg en breves, pidan y recibirán

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008

La directiva

Que prestancia... la mejor directiva en años...por suerte seguirá incambiada por largo tiempo.

P.D.1: fundamental tener iris roja para ser de la directiva
P.D.2: se vienen los profesionales de pera con todas las fotos que querías ver...